We at Smart PC Utilities are thrilled to announce the release of Game Fire v6.4, the long-waited update is out. This new update for our game booster will help boost games FPS and reduce in-game lags, the result would be a smoother and less interrupted gaming experience.
The new Game Fire update is only available for the Pro edition, however it will support the Free edition soon.
You can download Game Fire v6.4 either from Game Fire Pro download page or by using Game Fire Update provided you have an activate subscription, if not you can renew it using the subscription renewal page.
In this post, I will give you a brief about new features and enhancements introduced in Game Fire 6.4. You can see the complete list of improvements in Game Fire 6.4 release notes.
What is New in Game Fire 6.4
New User Interface
The first thing you would notice when launching Game Fire v6.4 is the new UI design that aims to improve usability. The navigation bar in the upper part of the user interface makes it easy to navigate main Game Fire features.
The Game Mode button is now always visible so you can activate Game Mode anywhere in the app interface.
We have updated the design of Game Fire notification windows and Desktop widgets to support a new modern dark style which blends well with Windows 10 theme.
The new design of Game Fire main interface makes more space available for displaying more user controls at once, thus improving the support of small screen resolutions.
We will further improve the user interface by adding options to customize UI colors and styles in the upcoming software releases.
Improved My Games for Better Games Optimization

The new Game Fire update introduced a series of improvements to My Games feature so you can manage and optimize your favorite games more efficiently.
You can now use the new sorting and grouping options added to My Games to effectively manage listed games. Searching games became much faster with instant as you type search.
We have greatly improved the integration with popular gaming platforms like Steam to allow faster games information retrieving. We have plans to support more gaming platforms like Uplay in the software next releases.
Game Scanner received several improvements aimed to boost the speed of games scanning process, we also integrated Game Fire’s online games database into Game Scanner interface.
You can now specify a genre to games listed in My Games, we also added a custom interface for displaying game’s properties.
Game Fire 6.4 introduced new options to help boost games from anywhere in your computer, for example, we have added an option to activate Game Mode when you launch games from Windows Explorer; you do not need to launch it from My Games to activate Game Mode like in the previous versions.
New Options to Boost Games
Besides optimization modules introduced in the previous versions of Game Fire, the new update for our game booster introduces new optimizations aimed to tweak more system settings, for example Game Fire can now turn off Microsoft Cortana, disable the background activities of Store apps, and enforce Windows 10 Game Mode.
We also improved the ability of disabling Windows Defender temporarily to improve games performance especially when playing offline.
The new update added new options in Game Mode Profile to optimize more Windows 10 features that known to be unnecessary while playing games.
New Tweaks in System Optimizer
We have added new system tweaks in System Optimizer along with an improved interface, this will enable you to optimize more Windows settings in order to have a smoother gaming experience.
We also improved the backup of default system settings before applying tweaks.
Improved Process Optimizer

With the improved Process Optimizer, you will be able to optimize Store app processes in the same way you optimize Win32 processes.
The new update also introduced several minor enhancements in Process Optimizer like the improved columns customization, adding process command line info, and the improvement of processes retrieving speed.
Game Mode can now display process’s impact information so you can easily decide which processes and services to optimize when Game Mode is activated.
Improved Live Optimization to Boost Games in Real-Time

We have improved Live Optimization feature by introducing several enhancements and fixing some bugs, thus improving its ability to boost games and apps performance in real-time.
Game Fire can now display a notification when Live Optimization is triggered meanwhile it will stop showing notifications about optimized processes when working with full-screen apps.
Improved System Diagnostics

System Diagnostics received a new tabbed user interface along with lots of new system diagnostic information. We also improved System Performance to show more system health and performance information in real-time.
Known Issues
All languages supported in the previous versions of Game Fire are not available in Game Fire 6.4 as they no longer maintained or working with the new user interface. We will re-support them in the software next releases.
System Requirements
For more information, see Game Fire page