Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service (SstpSvc)Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service (SstpSvc)

Registry Name


Display Name

Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service


Provides support for the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) to connect to remote computers using VPN. If this service is disabled, users will not be able to use SSTP to access remote servers.

For more information, see the Additional Information section.

Default Status


Default Startup Type


Image Path

C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p

DLL File Path



The service depends on the following system components to function properly:

  • None

System components that depend on this service to function properly:

Log On As

NT Authority\LocalService

Additional Information

SstpSvc service provides support for the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) to connect to remote computers using VPN. SstpSvc is responsible for establishing and maintaining the SSTP connections, as well as handling authentication and encryption.

Virtual Private Network (VPN), is a way of creating a secure and encrypted connection over the internet. VPNs are often used to access corporate networks from remote locations.