Now Playing Session Manager (NPSMSvc)
Registry Name:
Display Name:
Now Playing Session Manager
Provides support for the Now Playing feature.
For more information, see the Additional Information section.
Default Status:
Default Startup Type:
Image Path:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p
DLL File Path:
The service depends on the following system components to function properly:
- None
System components that depend on this service to function properly:
- None
Log On As:
Additional Information:
The NPSMSvc Windows service is responsible for showing the now playing media on the volume flyout on Windows 10 and on the action center on Windows 11. If you are not using the Now Playing feature, you can disable the NPSMSvc service to free up system resources.
Now Playing can show you information such as the title, artist, album, and duration of the song or video that is playing, as well as the app that is playing it. You can also use Now Playing to pause, play, skip, or rewind the media, or adjust the volume. Now Playing works with many apps that support media playback, such as Spotify, Groove Music, YouTube, Netflix, and more.