GraphicsPerfSvc (GraphicsPerfSvc)GraphicsPerfSvc (GraphicsPerfSvc)

Registry Name


Display Name



Graphics performance monitor service.

For more information, see the Additional Information section.

Default Status


Default Startup Type

Manual (Trigger Start)

Image Path

C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k GraphicsPerfSvcGroup

DLL File Path



The service depends on the following system components to function properly:

  • None

System components that depend on this service to function properly:

  • None
Log On As


Additional Information

The GraphicsPerfSvc service is responsible for monitoring and reporting on graphics performance. It collects data on the performance of graphics-intensive applications and games, and then generates reports that can be used to identify performance bottlenecks and troubleshoot graphics problems.

The service is not essential for the operation of Windows, but it can be useful for users who want to track and optimize their graphics performance. It is also used by some software vendors to collect data on graphics performance for their products.