We at Smart PC Utilities are delighted and grateful for the generous offers from volunteers who wish to translate our software products into different languages. We cordially invite translators of any language(s) to join us in localizing our software so that users can have a better experience with our products in their native languages. To express a little thanks from Smart PC Utilities, we will provide translators with a free lifetime license of one of our software, and we will also acknowledge their contributions on our website and in the About/Acknowledgments section of the software.

How to Translate?

To start a new software translation, please follow the steps below:


Select the software you wish to translate, then download its English language file to your computer.


Rename the language file you downloaded and name it according to the language you want to translate the software to. For instance, if you plan to translate into German, rename the file to [software]_de.xlsx


Open the software language file with LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel. Translate the English words and phrases in column E to your native language into column F.


After completing the translation, please upload the translated file or send it to: webmaster@smartpcutilities.com


Translation Notes:

  • Please preserve any spaces or special characters.
  • Do not translate words that are enclosed between [ ] and { }.
  • You may enclose any word that you are unsure about its translation in [[ ]].
  • Please do not modify any data in columns A, B, C, and D (The columns are hidden by default).
  • By sending us your translation, you permit Smart PC Utilities to use your translation commercially. We will not disclose your data to any third parties.
  • Your translation may not be fully adopted. The final adopted translation may be a combination of several translations from different translators edited by Smart PC Utilities.

Where to Send Translation?

Once you finish the software translation, please upload the translated file using the form below or send it to webmaster@smartpcutilities.com.

Upload File

Rewards and Honor

  • The translator will receive a free lifetime license for their preferred software product.
  • We will acknowledge the translator’s name on our website and in the About/Acknowledgments section of the software product once we verify and adopt the submitted translation.