A new version of PC Startup Master (v4.0.880) is available for download!
Activate PC Startup Master 4 PRO Now! Upgrade to PC Startup Master PRO to boost startup speed and protect your PC Upgrade Now   Only $11.67  35% Off
All-In-One Tool Manage and optimize all system startup components, including Windows services and scheduled tasks from a single user interface to help boost your PC performance
Delayed Startup Advanced options to delay or even prevent apps from running at Windows startup unless specific conditions are met; this will help improve the PC startup speed
Startup Guard Startup Guard can detect and undo startup configuration changes; this will help protect your PC from malware when they try to achieve persistence
Automatic Updates Automatic high priority updates to the latest version via Live Update
Premium Support 24/7 unlimited premium support

Do you want to upgrade to PC Startup Master Pro? Yes, I want to upgrade $11.67 $17.95 No Thanks Just download update

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  • 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

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